How To Trim Your Beard
Whether you need to clean your beard up for an event, trim it down to tidy it up or just feel like changing your appearance a bit, trimming your beard can be a daunting task. We've got you covered this time with a full 15 minute beard trimming video. I do want to highlight a few of the key points here first though.
When trimming your beard:
- Wash it beforehand and style it as if you were going out for the day with as little oil/balm as possible. This is your beard in its regular state and how it normally looks.
- Make sure your beard is dry. Never cut a wet beard! Wet hair appears longer and will leave you all sorts of sad once your beard is dry.
- No electric clippers! Use scissors, go slowly, only cut small amounts. Don't take huge drastic chunks off.
- Think about it (this is a big one and a two-parter). Occasionally you'll feel the urge to trim your beard short or make a massive change by shaving it clean off. Give it a few days to really think if that's what you want to do and you're not committing to a rash decision. If you're committed and start taking scissors to it and are unsure if you want to go shorter- walk away. Revisit it tomorrow and see how you feel about it.
And now a relatively long video of me trimming my beard for your viewing pleasure:
The scissors used in the video are available here and if you have any questions, feel free to shoot us an email!